Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I've been stressing for the past two days, I left all of my work until the weekend.... Will I ever learn?? Anyway, my poems that I thought were due Monday ended up being due like during the week and I hadn't started until yesterday. So I had to write two poems that I'm not proud of at all and send them in. I'm pretty frustrated with myself. And pretty nervous for Monday when they have to be workshopped. Oh well. Today, I need to write a really good draft of my Short Story since it's due on Wednesday.. It's going okay so far, not great. Definitely have some major edits to do, unlike my last story which was pretty easy to write once I started.

Anyway the main reason for this blog post is that I can announce my open project that I mentioned a little while ago! My group and I are creating an interactive zine for our final project, and we would love submissions (from you!) Click here for more details! I've also attached the poster I made for the submissions. The deadline is March 9th and it would be great if you submitted! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I am so obsessed with these photographs from Where I was From, an online vintage store. Both the clothes and the photographs are absolutely stunning! This morning I decided I should start posting more photos that inspire me or things that I love instead of always using my own photographs. And I should be taking advantage of my photoshop program while it lasts! So expect more of that! Now I'm realizing that my sudden urge to use photoshop more is most likely due to my Short Story deadline... I'm really procrastinating.

 I'm off to do some writing.. hopefully. And then I'm seeing my friends' band play tonight in Toronto! It should be fun. Happy Wednesday!  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sorry for the lack of updates this week. I skipped a whole day of classes for the first time (in university) last monday because I felt dizzy for two days. It was so strange! I'm taking my iron pills more regularly now and I think that it was my iron deficiency acting up (life of a vegetarian!) Regardless, last weekend was lots of fun, on the friday we had a party at our house for one of my roommates and then on Sunday a few of us went tobogganing before a huge group dinner at a Mexican restaurant called Three Amigos that has 69 cent tacos on Sundays! We took full advantage.

I decided to spend my first weekend of reading week in Montreal to hang out with my roomies! We went dancing on the Friday and then had a movie night on Saturday. And I finally got some things in my room organized (you can't tell from the photo above, but my room has been in serious disarray).

I'm now back in Toronto, I left at 6 in the morning and got here at 9ish. Our kitten is so big! Every time I come to visit it's like she's doubled in size. And I also came home to my mom cleaning out our house, and she's decided to get rid of all of my grandmother's clothes! I saved it all and am now hoarding it all in my room. There are some awesome things! I'll post pictures next week (forgot my digital camera in Montreal), but I'm getting a really nice cardigan, this cool blazer, a salmon blazer and skirt, lots of velvet, and potentially my future wedding dress hahah! It's beige with a blue bow and it's so lovely. A little too big on me so I'm either going to hem it and also get it taken in, or wait until I know what to do with it.

I'm also pinning like a crazy person right now! Does anyone else have pinterest accounts?? I'm so obsessed. Anyway those are my only updates for now! I'm planning on getting lots of school work done this week as well as getting some shopping done. I need new basics desperately.

Also everyone should stay tuned! In my intermedia class, I have started my final project, and my group will be asking for submissions soon! I just finished designing and printing the poster, and we are working on the website right now so I'll definitely post it when everything is up and running! I would love for you to submit!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Some photos from Arizona! Finally got them developed. I've had such a hectic few weeks but they have also been so much fun, I'll probably go into a little more detail later this week as I am about to go tobogganing! It's strange to look at photos from Arizona right now when I am in such cold weather. Hope everyone is having a great weekend as well!